A Vision Of A World With Awakened Elders

the words "a vision of a world with awakened elders. unedited raw writing to make you think" on pale green background. Below is a witch seen from behind with lights emitting from her hands into a forest

A Vision Of A World With Awakened Elders

What follows is a piece of stream-of-consciousness writing that came through on 8th May 2022.  In some places it darts about.  There’s repetition and probably mistakes, but the clarity and power of the ideas within it made me want to share it as it is. 

Sunday 8th May 2022

The world needs more elders and fewer power seekers.  Elders take their place in the community.  They bring their experience, their healing journey and their understanding of who they are and what they’re here to do to the community.  Power seekers want to rule.  They come from unhealed wounds, a wounded inner child desperately crying out for love, connection, secure attachment and a sense of being home.  Power seekers have a deep craving for love.  Elders have that connection to a divine love that they share with everyone they meet. 

Elders are spiritually, emotionally and mentally mature. They’re not perfect.  They may still live with difficult life circumstances, they don’t have to be older in age.  Being an elder is not about age, it’s about a way of showing up in the world that shows you’re connected to that bigger divine love and that you’re connected to other humans too.  You don’t seek power over others, though you may get put into a position of responsibility that gives you a degree of power to support others on their journeys.  

For women, this means embracing the crone – that witch-like, feared expression of feminine power.  Just take a look at how wrinkles and any signs of ageing in celebrity women is frowned on and they feel pressured into eternal youth through botox and plastic surgery.  Celebrities carry the weight of the collective unconscious.

The ironic thing about the elder is that by accepting their age, maturity and wisdom, there’s a childlike quality that comes through.  Elders emerge when the wounded inner child is healed through secure attachment with a centre of love.  It happens on the inside, but others can reflect back this ocean of love inside and remind the psyche of its own inner source of unconditional love.  The paradox is of embracing the natural cycles of development, transformation and ageing, a youthfulness emerges.  

The crow sits on the roof across the way.  Building a nest, building a home inside our home.  The crow is looking out for something – I don’t know what and it’s just spread its wings and come into its home.  

The crow, the crone – maybe that’s it.  The sign to type this. 

Elders seek connection and won’t tolerate bullshit and nonsense.  Dionne Warwick on Twitter beautifully captures this.  Explicitly saying she won’t tolerate foolishness while actively connecting with people on Twitter and being warm and human.  A wonderful example of embracing the crone – the wisdom of the elder and the strong boundaries around what she will and and won’t tolerate. 

The World With More Elders

If the world had more elders, more people who sought connection, who sought their role in the unfolding interconnected blueprint emerging and who maintain strong boundaries around the kind of behaviour they will accept – holding people around to a better version of themselves.  

By contrast, at the time of writing, the UK in particular is run by wounded, rich posh boys who do not seek connection at all.  Who do not understand the suffering of millions, the increasing suffering under their heartless policies and who garner power through money from already rich, power-seekers.  Who piss away billions of public money on their friends cashing in on international crisis. Who set rules that severed connection and physical contact between loved ones and danced over their own rulebook with parties and frivolity while people missed out on that important last face-to-face connection with their dying loved ones and missed out on the proper grieving ritual of the funeral that enables the soul to make its journey beyond this life.  

If more people had the courage to face their wounding to become an elder and access the love within that can heal their inner child, governments like this could not exist.  There would be too many psychologically, spiritually, morally and ethically strong people in the population for this kind of behaviour and attitude to ever be allowed to rule again.  Enough people would know the qualities of true leadership that comes from eldership and would stay strong in the attempts at mind manipulation through marketing. 

Elders see through marketing bullshit and can feel the intent to make sales (gain power over) vs the intent to seek the people they can genuinely help, while seeking to match the right people with the right help.  Knowing the stages.  Those who haven’t yet become elders within seek to split themselves off into a special group of people with their own separate divine task from the rest of humanity.  It carries an attitude of entitlement and specialness – in order words, spiritual narcissism, where they see themselves as morally and spiritually superior to others and convinced that their perspectives and beliefs are more true or right than anyone else’s.  The elder, on the other hand may choose to spend time alone and with like-minded people, but they see the elder potential in all people.  No group of people has all the information.  

Different perspectives are needed and elders can hold the differences while staying connected at deeper levels – even if there’s disagreement.  The elders know that it isn’t their job to convince people that their perspective is the right one, or that their beliefs are better.  Instead they know that its their job to support others and even to challenge others into connecting with their own true perspective.  To come into conscious awareness of what’s shaped their perspective and how they see themselves in the world – culture, religious or spiritual beliefs, family history, national and international history.  It’s about coming to a place of recognising the need for a variety of perspectives and to know what’s shaped your own and that you get curious about others’ perspectives and what’s shaped theirs. 

Politics and leadership competitions then become less about a battle between beliefs and viewpoints and instead shift into an honouring of different viewpoints and a space for all members of the leadership committee to tune into their intuitive knowing as well as experience and learning to make decisions that benefit the whole for centuries to come.  No more short-sighted power grabs for a few years, instead leaders are selected because they are the best fit for the role and born for the job.  Their soul destiny is to become a leader and not because they are born into families that have unquestioningly sought power for far too long.  A committee of leaders that represents the different viewpoints, cultures and lived experiences of different types of people, while working towards creating fairer and fairer systems that support the wellness and soul growth of every human, and support a reconnection to our true place in the earth’s ecosystem. 

This comes from a tipping point of people who are willing to go inside and face their demons and wounds and come back ready to share their wisdom with those who most benefit from it.  

Will the transition be violent and destructive?  There’s a chance that it will be, even if it comes from that secure place of love inside.  Because humans who have disconnected from the love inside tend to cling to power and see it as the only way to stay safe.  An approach that helps them feel deeply safe as the changes occur, could mitigate violence or force.  And that requires those who’ve walked the elder path to radiate safety and compassion, to understand how the change might be terrifying for those who only know power seeking.  The thought of having to face inner demons and hurts might be overwhelming for someone from a family who’s avoided pain through power seeking for generations.  So genuine empathy, understanding and compassion are vital while the changes happen. 

Elders understand that humans have dark and light inside and integrate their own darkness.  Embracing humanity’s shadows – the 7 deadly sins that we all seek to live anyway, the greed, the wrath, the lust – allowing it all space to breathe and take a healthy place in the psyche, instead of being shoved into the shadows and seeking to claw back power.  Recognising that a lot of harm is done in the name of religion and spirituality.  The power seeking churchmen who want to impose their Christian ideology on schoolchildren and women’s bodies. 

A soul-led spirituality instead of a power and dominance seeking religion. Few claiming that they have exclusive connection with divine guidance, that is really available to all.  

The elder within is a potential.  It’s part of the blueprint, just like the potential of the oak tree is contained within the acorn, the elder – the mature, spiritually wise human is contained within the newborn.  

I’d love to hear your thoughts and perspective on this topic.  The link to email me is below or DM me on Instagram @jacqui_mcginn (these words are clickable!)